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The Experiment Setup View is an alternative and dedicated View to set up Experiments in Modelon Impact.
The Experiment Setup View is only available in the Experiment layer.

Experiment Setup View

Experiment kinds🔗

Modelon Impact supports the following general simulations, which generate different results kinds:

  • Single-run time-domain (Dynamic simulation, variables calculated over time)
  • Single-run steady-state simulation (one value per variable)
  • Multi-run time-domain (Dynamic simulation for Parameter sweeps or Statistical analyses, variables calculated over time for each case)
  • Multi-run steady-state simulation (one value per variable and case)

Depending on the result kind you will find some context-related options.

The right-hand sidebar in the Experiment layer is context-dependent and differs slightly depending on whether Diagram View or Experiment Setup View is selected.
The following sections describe the sidebar for the Experiment Setup View.

Experiment browser🔗

The EXPERIMENT panel contains the Experiment browser, where you have access to and control over your Experiments. This browser shows only Experiments for currently active simulation model.
By default, you can see at least one experiment, the "default experiment", which is generated by default. As long as this Experiment is not modified in any way, it is not saved in the storage.

Using the Experiment browser you can:

Analysis configuration🔗

Below the Experiment browser in the EXPERIMENT panel, you find a tab called "Analysis". Select this tab to setup the selected Experiment. Find more about how to setup Experiments here:

Output filters and size estimation🔗

In the OUTPUTS section, you can define the desired outputs (recorded variables) in order to

  • reduce the list to the variables relevant for the application in models with many variables (better overview), or to
  • minimize the size of the result file so that the available memory space is better used.

This section also provides an indication/rough estimate of the expected size of the results file (before the compilation). Please note, however, that this is only a very rough estimate! This estimate is only possible if output filters are set, because then the number of recorded variables is known. Without output filter a compilation is needed to get the number of variables.
Then the number of variables is multiplied by the defined protocol steps (based on the set interval/number of points) and the number of cases (if multi-run experiment).
Note, that we cannot estimate the final number of output steps, if you record event points (2 points at an event), because events cannot be predicted.

Lern more on how to set filter in chapter Filtering Simulation Outputs/Results

Synchronization with Diagram View🔗

Both, Diagram View and Experiment Setup View have very similar right sidebars, when you are in the Experiment layer. The right sidebar of the Diagram View show Experiment parameter modifications in the PROPERTIES and EXPERIMENT panel, while modification are shown in the canvas, when your are in Experiment Setup View.

Model parameter modifications in Diagram View (Experiment layer)

Model parameter modifications in Experiment Setup View (Experiment layer)


If you are in the Diagram View, you can also define Parameter sweeps or Statistical analyses by making entries in the fields in the PROPERTIES panel, although we recommend using the Experiment Setup View for this, as it offers a better and more secure input experience.