Home Page🔗
After logging in, you always land on the Home page, which allows you to return to previously used Workspaces, create a new Workspace or import a Workspace. All your work takes place in a Workspace, so it is necessary to select or create one.
The Home page is also called the "start page", "landing page" or "workspace selection page".
- Select a Workspace or create a new or import a Workspace.
This opens the Impact main page and you can continue with step 5.
- Here on the Home page, you can also convert Workspaces of an old format: Select a Workspace of the old format, which is marked with Conversion needed. This will trigger the Workspace conversion. If this was successful, you can open it and continue with step 4.
- Via the Home page, you can also upload (import) Workspaces packaged as Zip files.
If you try to import a Workspace of an old format, Impact triggers the Workspace conversion.
Impact will always create a backup of converted Workspaces, which can be downloaded or deleted.
A converted Workspace cannot be converted back. You can use the backup if you need the old format.
- Using the "three dots" on the left you can download the Workspace as a Zip file or delete this Workspace.
If you want to delete the selected Workspace, a dialog opens, where you have to enter the Workspace name to confirm its deletion. Deleting a Workspace will remove all Generated artifacts like results and internal FMUs (generated artifacts are not stored in Projects, please see here).
Deleting a Workspace cannot be undone! But the main content is stored in Projects which can be (re-)used in other/new Workspaces. Deleting Projects is only possible via Workspace Management.
Deleting a Workspace will not delete your Projects. Projects will still reside in your user space and you can add them to a new or other Workspace. So no intellectual property is lost.
- Select a recently edited or visited model.
Alternatively, expand the Workspace panel .
After logging in, you always land on the Home page, which allows you to return to previously used Workspaces, create a new Workspace or import a Workspace. All your work takes place in a Workspace, so it is necessary to select or create one.
The Home page is also called the "start page", "landing page" or "workspace selection page".
- Select a Workspace or create a new or import a Workspace.
This opens the Impact main page and you can continue with step 5.
- Select a recently edited or visited model. Alternatively, expand the workspace panel .