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Create, Delete, Arrange Plots in the Analysis View🔗

Create a new plot🔗

If you are in the results layer, first switch to the Analysis View. If no plots exist yet, this view is blank.

  1. Open the right sidebar
  2. Make sure your desired result is selected in the SIMULATIONS browser (by default the most recent result is selected)
  3. Go down to CACULATED VALUES, there you can ...
    • expand the tree and select the variable you want to analyze
    • use the filter features to find the desired variable faster (based on its name)
  4. Select the desired variable by hovering it -> then you can see this button:
  5. Click on it and select via the context menu, which plot you want to generate for the variable
  6. Done. The plot will be added to the next free slot in the grid.

CALCULATED VALUES tree in right sidebar

An alternative way to create plots is drag&drap:

  1. ... see steps 1 to 3 above,
  2. Select the desired variable and
  3. Drag it to the canvas and drop it.
  4. When dropped, a small popup asks you what kind of chart you want to create.
  5. Select the desired chart.
  6. Done. The plot will be added to the next free slot in the grid and in the near where you dropped it.

Arrange and resize plots🔗

The plots are arranged in a grid.

  1. Select a plot by clicking on the top bar in the plot panel (becomes visible when you hover over the plot panel).
  2. Click on the top bar and hold down the mouse button.
  3. Drag the plot panel to the desired position in the grid.

  4. To resize a plot panel, select it and drag the bottom right corner:

The position/arrangement and the size of the plot panels are saved automatically.

Delete plots🔗

To delete a plot from the dashboard, just hover over the plot and click on the crossmark at the top right corner.

Analysis View | Configure plots | Analyze results with plots