Access HTML diagnostics (model statistics)🔗
Create a file with model statistics that includes: - Model Structure - State variables - Initialization equation blocks - Equation blocks
- Go to settings, Execution tab, and turn on generate_html_diagnostics found under COMPILER OPTIONS. Press SAVE.
- Run a dynamic simulation.
- Go to Details Panel
and the SIMULATION tab.
- Hover over a Result. Click on the 3 dots .... Select View diagnostics.
- A new window in the browser is opened with the diagnostics.
- Diagnostics can be produced for each FMU, that is each compilation and set of parameters.
- Diagnostics are not available for any results generated before turning on the generate_html_diagnostics setting.
Add runtime diagnostics to dynamic simulation​🔗
Create a log file with simulation metadata for CPU and nbr events.
- Go to settings, Execution tab, and turn on dynamic_diagnostics found under SIMULATION OPTIONS. Press SAVE.
- Run a dynamic simulation.
- Go to Details Panel
- Expand the top level of CALCULATED VALUES to find the option called '@Diagnostics'.