Hydraulic actuation application
Hydraulic actuators are an indispensable part of the aircraft systems. Hydraulics are often used in actuating the control surfaces, retraction of landing gears, wheel brakes, etc. It is paramount that the hydraulic systems respond well in time for the given control inputs or else it may end in a catastrophic failure. Thus, it is crucial to study the performance of various hydraulic actuator components under different operational inputs. In this regard, the Hydraulic Library by Modelon offers accurate modeling and analyzing various aircraft hydraulic systems. The wide number of off-the-shelf components help to quickly and efficiently assemble any given hydraulic circuit. The library supports components that can accurately calculate the system pressure and flow rate and have components for detailed valve modeling to understand the valve dynamics. Thus built hydraulic circuit could be linearized to find the system's dynamic responses. The library supports a wide range of oil models such as Oil-15W30, Mil-H-5606, Mil-H-8446, etc. Any custom oil media can be created with the support of different templates provided in the library. Thermo-hydraulic could be optionally enabled to study the temperature effect in the hydraulic circuit.
The library can be coupled with Aircraft Dynamic Library to model the linkage between hydraulics and mechanics.