VaporCycle Examples🔗
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Instructions to run examples:
If not done already: Load Workspace
Load the example in Modelon Impact by clicking this link. Press the play button to simulate
This is an example of an air-conditioning system experiment with R-134a as refrigerant. A vapor compression cycle with air as secondary fluid in condenser and evaporator is controlled via a variable volume displacement in the compressor to reach a pre-defined air outlet temperature at the evaporator.
Heat Pump
This is an example of a heat pump system experiment with R-407c as working fluid. A vapor compression cycle with water as secondary fluid in condenser and evaporator transports heat from the low temperature heat source to the high temperature heat sink.
Capillary Suction Line HX

This experiment is for testing the capillary tube with a suction line heat exchanger.
The capillary tube and suction line are parameterized based on the measured data mentioned in the reference section..
Refrigeration System with SLHX

This is a template for a refrigeration system with R-134 as default refrigerant. A vapor compression cycle with a natural convection wire and tube condenser (WireAndTubeHX) , a suction line heat exchanger (CapillarySuctionLine ), a generic cross flow air evaporator (CrossFlow), and a fixed displacement fixed efficiency compressor (FixedEfficiencyCompressor) as default components.
Air to Air Heat Pump

This is a template for a residential Heat Pump system experiment with R-32 as refrigerant by default (User can also change the refrigerant). The system follows a vapor compression cycle with air as secondary fluid in condenser and evaporator.