Visualization in 2D


Visualization of results helps to give a broader overview of the current state of the model during simulation.
The following packages include components with support for simulation result visualization:

  1. FuelSystem.Volumes
  2. FuelSystem.Pipes
  3. FuelSystem.Sources


The package FuelSystem.Volumes includes three components that support visualization.

  • MultiportVolume
  • TwoPortVolume
  • SimpleTank

MultiportVolume and TwoPortVolume changes color depending on the amount of liquid and gas within the volume. Dark grey corresponds to liquid and bright grey to gas. See Figure 1.

Figure 1 - MultiportVolume visualization

The Tank model visualizes the liquid level within the tank. Liquid corresponds to dark grey and bright grey to gas. See Figure 2.


Figure 2 - Tank visualization


The package FuelSystem.Pipes includes one component that supports visualization.

  • LumpedPipe

The component LumpedPipe has two arrows that show the flow direction. The bright arrow corresponds to gas mass flow and the dark to liquid mass flow. See Figure 3.


Figure 3 - LumpedPipe visualization

The length of these arrows are set by the parameters mflowMaxLiq_vis and mflowMaxGas_vis in the parameter dialog Advanced>Visualization.


The package FuelSystem.Sources includes three models that support visualization.

If the boundary condition contains liquid the background is dark grey, see Figure 4. Otherwise is bright as in Figure 5.


Figure 4 - Pressure Source only liquid(dark)


Figure 5 - Pressure Source only gas(bright)