TPL Version 1.28

Thermal Power Library 1.28 is part of Modelon's 2024.2 release. New versions of Modelon libraries are sold and distributed directly from Modelon, as well as approved resellers.

Version 1.28 contains the changes described below.

Build 1 (2024-09-15)

Fixed issue


  • Package "FlueGas" renamed to "SinglePhase".
  • Other changes in that package:
    • model "Combustor" renamed to "NaturalGasCombustor",
    • model "AshFilter" renamed to "FlueGasAshFilter",
    • model "Combustor" renamed to "NaturalGasCombustor",
    • model "GasTurbulentLoss" renamed to "SinglePhaseTurbulentLoss",
    • heat exchanger model "Generic" renamed to "Generic_1ph1ph",
    • heat exchanger model "Generic_gas2ph" renamed to "Generic_1ph2ph",
    • heat exchanger model "Plate_gas2ph" renamed to "Plate_1ph2ph",
    • heat exchanger model "TubeAndShell" renamed to "ShellAndTube_1ph1ph",
    • heat exchanger model "TubeAndShell_gas2ph" renamed to "ShellAndTube_1ph2ph",
    • heat exchanger model "EpsNTU_const_k_gasTwoPhase" renamed to "EpsNTU_const_k_1ph2ph",
    • model "GasAbsoluteSensor" renamed to "AbsoluteSensor_1ph",
    • model "GasFlowRateSensor" renamed to "FlowRateSensor_1ph",
    • model "GasVolumeSensor" renamed to "VolumeSensor_1ph",
    • model "GasMassFlowRate" renamed to "MassFlowRat_1phe",
    • model "GasPressure" renamed to "PressureSensor_1ph",
    • model "GasTemperature" renamed to "TemperatureSensor_1ph",
    • model "GasVolumeFlowRate" renamed to "VolumeFlowRate_1ph",
    • model "OnOffValveGas" renamed to "OnOffValveSinglePhase",
    • model "ThreeWayValveGas" renamed to "ThreeWayValveSinglePhase",
    • model "ValveGas" renamed to "ValveSinglePhase",
    • models: "FlowPort","SensorPort" and "VolumePort" moved to Interfaces package
    • models: "TwoPort_1ph","Transport_1ph" and "GasTransportTwoWay" moved to BaseClasses
  • Model "HRSG_scalable" has been improved by propagating the medium with re-declarable WaterMedium
  • Model ThermalPower.TwoPhase.Separators.BensonSeparator has been improved to handle extreme flow conditions (subcooled and super-heated streams) at drain and blowdown ports. 
  • Simplified initialization of BensonSeparator model 
  • Added a test case for Benson Separator to validate its capability for two phase transitions (ThermalPower.TwoPhase.Examples.BensonSeparatorTwoPhaseTest)
  • Model ThermalPower.Experiments.HeatPump has been improved by updating the flow direction of expansionValves 1 & 2
  • The icon of ThermalPower.TwoPhase.Valves.ValveSteam's has been edited to show the flow direction 
  • The package "PackedColumnMachowiakWithoutHoldup" inside the absorption column hydraulics templates has been renamed into "PackedColumnMackowiakWithoutHoldup".

New features

  • New two zonal control volume that allows for filling level dependent heat transfer
  • New beta version of future shell and tube heat exchabgers that take dependency of filing level to heat transfer into account
  • New compressor model, extended from MBL with changed ports and medium. Compressor model uses characteristics map to operate, currently only SAE map is supported, demo example shows how to correctly parameterize the compressor model.
  • New compressor demo model with surge control. In that demo model bypass valve is used to prevent surge during compressor operation. It uses new surge controller that based on provided compressor map performs linear approximation of the surge line and when compressor operating point goes beyond it, controller opens the bypass valve.