Modelica Standard Library

Library Components Description
Image Analog
Analog electric and electronic components, such as resistor, capacitor, transformers, diodes, transistors, transmission lines, switches, sources, sensors.
Image Digital
Digital electrical components based on the VHDL standard, like basic logic blocks with 9-value logic, delays, gates, sources, converters between 2-, 3-, 4-, and 9-valued logic.
Image Machines
Electrical asynchronous-, synchronous-, and DC-machines (motors and generators) as well as three-phase transformers.
Image FluxTubes
Based on magnetic flux tubes concepts. Especially to model electromagnetic actuators. Nonlinear shape, force, leakage, and material models. Material data for steel, electric sheet, pure iron, Cobalt iron, Nickel iron, NdFeB, Sm2Co17, and more.
Image Translational
1-dim. mechanical, translational systems, e.g., sliding mass, mass with stops, spring, damper.
Image Rotational
1-dim. mechanical, rotational systems, e.g., inertias, gears, planetary gears, convenient definition of speed/torque dependent friction (clutches, brakes, bearings, ..)
MultiBody 3-dim. mechanical systems consisting of joints, bodies, force and sensor elements. Joints can be driven by drive trains defined by 1-dim. mechanical system library (Rotational). Every component has a default animation. Components can be arbitrarily connected together.
Image Fluid
1-dim. thermo-fluid flow in networks of vessels, pipes, fluid machines, valves and fittings. All media from the Modelica.Media library can be used (so incompressible or compressible, single or multiple substance, one or two phase medium).
Image Media
Large media library providing models and functions to compute media properties, such as h = h(p,T), d = d(p,T), for the following media:
  • 1240 gases and mixtures between these gases.
  • incompressible, table based liquids (h = h(T), etc.).
  • compressible liquids
  • dry and moist air
  • high precision model for water (IF97).
Image FluidHeatFlow, HeatTransfer Simple thermo-fluid pipe flow, especially to model cooling of machines with air or water (pipes, pumps, valves, ambient, sensors, sources) and lumped heat transfer with heat capacitors, thermal conductors, convection, body radiation, sources and sensors.
Input/output blocks to model block diagrams and logical networks, e.g., integrator, PI, PID, transfer function, linear state space system, sampler, unit delay, discrete transfer function, and/or blocks, timer, hysteresis, nonlinear and routing blocks, sources, tables.
Image Clocked
Blocks to precisely define and synchronize sampled data systems with different sampling rates. Continuous-time equations can be automatically discretized and utilized in a sampled data system. The library is based on the clocked synchronous language elements introduced in Modelica 3.3.
Image StateGraph
Hierarchical state machines with a similar modeling power as Statecharts. Modelica is used as synchronous action language, i.e., deterministic behavior is guaranteed
A = [1,2,3;
b = {10,22,12};
x = Matrices.solve(A,b);
Math, Utilities
Functions operating on vectors and matrices, such as for solving linear systems, eigen and singular values etc., and functions operating on strings, streams, files, e.g., to copy and remove a file or sort a vector of strings.