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User Roles🔗

Access within Impact is controlled by RBAC (role based access control) rules. These rules are managed through the IAM component of Impact by a user with administrator privileges.


On Modelon Impact on Cloud these settings are managed by Modelon. Please contact Modelon support to request changes.


Please note that many roles have requirements on licenses being available. If licenses are exhausted or over-provisioned the roles may not be applied.



Allows full access to all impact features as well as Impact Modelica Libraries.

If the number of users with this role assigned exceeds the number of purchased pro licenses the system is considered overprovisioned and the role will be denied.


Allows full access to all impact features but does not allow access to Impact Modelica Libraries.

If the number of users with this role assigned exceeds the number of purchased base licenses the system is considered over-provisioned and the role will be denied


Allows limited access to Impact in order to consume and extract value from models that has been provided by other users.

  • Allows access through REST API, Python client, Javascrip client, Jupyter notebooks and similar scripting environments.
  • Does not allow access to the modeling user interface and other means of creating models.
  • Allows access to the user interface for experimentation if the workspace is intended for App Mode.

If the number of logged in users with this role (at any given time) exceeds the number of purchased deployment licenses the system is considered over-provisioned and the role will be denied


  • Both Impact-pro and Impact-base roles may not exist in the same installation.


A user can, once authenticated, navigate to /api/users/me to get information about the assigned roles. The response will be in JSON format.

Note: This data may also contain additional sub-roles provided as a consequence of holding the listed roles. These can not be manually controlled.


"data": {
  "id": "9504758f-11e9-4cec-a3a7-27b8d19beafb",
  "username": "",

  "externalUsers": [
    "id": ""
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "email": "",
  "license": "impact-pro",
  "roles": [

Setup User Accounts🔗

For more information about how to configure these roles as a company administrator we refer to the operations manual that is distributed with your installation material.