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Execution Settings🔗

There are three general execution/simulation/analysis types available for Modelon Impact:

  • Type 1: Dynamic simulation (time domain)
  • Type 2: Steady State simulation (steady-state equlibrium in operation point)
  • Type 3: Custom (arbitrary custom function)

Each of these 3 simulation types is based on Custom Functions, but only Dynamic and Steady-State are available to all users in Impact by default. Other Custom functions are added through Projects or through custom installation.

Each simulation type requires more or less individual settings, which are available in Impact in Experiment layer in the right-hand sidebar section EXPERIMENT, tab Analysis. There you will also find a button (via Advanced...) that can be used to open the form with the advanced settings options.

These Execution settings, also known as Advanced simulation settings, consist of the same four (4) sections, where variables are available specifically for each execution type:

  • Section 1: Simulation Options
  • Section 2: Compiler Options
  • Section 3: Solver Options
  • Section 4: Runtime Options


All execution settings are saved in the selected experiment and are therefore individual settings for this specific experiment.

Modelica vs. Modelon Impact specific execution settings

A model in Impact can have two types of simulation settings:

  • Modelica execution settings: Modelica's experiment annotation contains some simple execution settings for time-domain analyes. Furthermore, Impact supports on top of the Modelica language some vendor specific experiment annotations, like the solver type.
  • Modelon Impact specific execution settings: The heart of Impact, the Optimica Compiler Toolkit (OCT), allows you to specify many more execution settings, e.g. for Steady-State analysis and more.

Dynamic (time-doman) Settings🔗

Dynamic Simulation Options🔗

Simulation framework options for solving the FMU using the Assimulo simulation package.

General options for the AssimuloFMIAlg algorithm
Default Description
filter None A filter for choosing which variables to store result for. filter = "*der", store all variables ending with 'der' and filter = ["*der*", "summary*"], store all variables with "der" in the name and all variables starting with "summary".
solver "CVODE" Specifies the simulation method that is to be used. Currently supported solvers are, CVode, Radau5ODE, RungeKutta34, Dopri5, RodasODE, LSODAR, ExplicitEuler. The recommended solver is "CVODE".
with_jacobian False Simulation with analytical Jacobian, Note: all models can't generate an analytical Jacobian.
write_scaled_result False When true, write the result to the file without taking numerical scaling into account.
dynamic_diagnostics False If enabled, additional diagnostic variables will be included in the simulation results.

Dynamic Solver options🔗

Options for the chosen solver.

Additional CVODE solver options🔗

Option Default Description
store_event_points true If true, Impact store a result point at an event. This means Impact records 2 points at the same point in time, to represent a discrete jump.
time_limit Inf If a value is set, the simulation terminates upon exceeding the specified computation time limit (in seconds). Note, that is not the simulation; its the CPU clock time. Use this option, to terminate a simulation if the run takes too long.
atol rtol*0.01*(nominal values of the continuous states) Absolute Tolerance. Can be an array where each value corresponds to the absolute tolerance for the corresponding variable. Can also be a single value.
rtol 1e-4 Relative tolerance. The relative tolerance is retrieved from the 'default experiment' section in the XML file and if not found is set to 1.0e-4.
maxh Inf Maximum step-size.
minh Inf Minimum step-size.
inith Inf Initial step size.
maxord 5 The maximum order used. Maximum for 'BDF' is 5 while for the 'Adams' method, the maximum is 12.
discr 'BDF' Discretization method. Can be either 'BDF' or 'Adams'.
iter 'Newton' The iteration method. Can be either 'Newton' or 'FixedPoint'.

Additional Radau5ODE solver options🔗

Option Default Description
store_event_points true If true, Impact store a result point at an event. This means Impact records 2 points at the same point in time, to represent a discrete jump.
time_limit Inf If a value is set, the simulation terminates upon exceeding the specified computation time limit (in seconds). Note, that is not the simulation; its the CPU clock time. Use this option, to terminate a simulation if the run takes too long.
atol rtol*0.01*(nominal values of the continuous states) Absolute Tolerance. Can be an array where each value corresponds to the absolute tolerance for the corresponding variable. Can also be a single value.
rtol 1e-4 Relative tolerance. The relative tolerance is retrieved from the 'default experiment' section in the XML file and if not found is set to 1.0e-4.
maxh Inf Maximum step-size.
inith Inf Initial step size.

Additional ExplicitEuler solver options🔗

Selection of solver arguments for ExplicitEuler
Option Default Description
store_event_points true If true, Impact store a result point at an event. This means Impact records 2 points at the same point in time, to represent a discrete jump.
time_limit Inf If a value is set, the simulation terminates upon exceeding the specified computation time limit (in seconds). Note, that is not the simulation; its the CPU clock time. Use this option, to terminate a simulation if the run takes too long.
h 0.01 Step-size for ExplicitEuler solver. This setting is mandatory!

Dynamic Compiler options🔗

Compiler options specify with what options a model is compiled into an FMU.

Selection of compilation options
Option Default Description
c_compiler gcc C compiler. msvs= Microsoft Visual Studio Compiler.
msvs_path Path to the Microsoft Visual Studio Compiler to compile C code with. Will cause compilation to fail if no installation is found.
msvs_version Microsoft Visual Studio Compiler version or year edition to compile C code with. If the msvs_path option is not set, then this option will be used to find an installation among the default install locations. If the msvs_path option is set, then this option will be used to verify the compiler version. In both cases, the compilation will fail if the installation found mismatch in the version specified with this option.
generate_html_diagnostics false If enabled, model diagnostics are generated in HTML format. This includes the flattened model, connection sets, alias sets and BLT form.
include_protected_variables false Includes protected variables in the compilation target interface if the protection annotation on the class allows viewing variables.

Dynamic Runtime options🔗

+ Add new adds additional solver options. Detailed descriptions on how to add a solver option are found in the Optimica Compiler Toolkit (OCT) user guide.