
This guide assist in selecting one of the battery models from the library.

Example batteries

The simplest way to start is to use one of the pre-configured models found in the Electrification.Batteries.Examples sub-package. These example models represent full battery packs or modules, made up of one or more cells. The ideal variants can be used directly for building system models, while the modular ones serve as a starting point to be configured for a specific purpose. There is also an Electrification.Batteries.Examples.Applications sub-package, with models pre-configured for demonstrating features relevant for specific application experiments in the library.

Ideal battery packs

The two ideal models (Infinite and Nominal) are useful when a battery pack should be modeled, but there is no need (or not possible) to consider the individual cells or other parts inside the pack.

  • The Electrification.Batteries.Examples.Infinite battery model is useful for sizing, where the purpose is to identify operating points and requirements on e.g. the power and energy that the battery needs to deliver.
  • The Electrification.Batteries.Examples.Nominal battery pack is useful as a rough representation of a battery when the desired performance is known (e.g. energy content and power output), but there is no information about the specific cell to be used. The model captures variations in state of charge, as well as load dependent voltage drops and heat losses. It represents a battery pack that perfectly fulfills nominal specifications.
  • These ideal models can either be dropped directly into a system model and parametrized in-place, or extended to create a pre-parameterized variant that can be re-used in several places.

    Modular battery packs

    The other batteries in the Examples package are fully modular. They can be re-configured to model different types of battery cells at different levels of fidelity. These are pre-configured battery packs that can be used directly for building system models (just like the more ideal ones). They typically serve as a starting point for configuring any battery pack, without the need to define every part of the pack model.

    The different options represent different needs for cell discretization and physical domains:

    • The most common variant is the Electrification.Batteries.Examples.Lumped model, which can be configured to represent any battery pack, under the assumption that all cells in the pack are identical (same parameters, state of charge and temperature).
    • The Electrification.Batteries.Examples.CellArray battery pack has the same capabilities as the Lumped one, but can also be configured to model individual cells and "imbalances" between these. This comes at the cost of a more complex model, that is slower to compile and simulate. This model is only recommended when there is a need to represent such imbalances.
    • The Electrification.Batteries.Examples.MultiBody3D allows representing the mechanics of the battery pack in a MultiBody3D system (e.g. a vehicle model). It has the same capability as the Lumped battery, with the addition of (optional) mechanical 3D elements.

    Battery templates

    An alternative to starting from one of the pre-configured example models, is to configure a new battery pack from one of the template models in the Electrification.Batteries.Templates package. All of the example batteries are built from one of these common templates.

    To create a new battery model this way, simply extend from the template model, and configure the different sub-components of the model. The default choice is one of the Lumped templates, unless there is a need to be able to represent cell imbalances. The Array variants can be configured either to represent individual cells or to "lump" them into a single element. The 3D variants have additional capability of integrating the battery pack as a mechanical component in a MultiBody3D system.

    Configure the battery model

    For guidance about configuring a battery model to a specific purpose, please refer to the separate guide.