Getting Started

This is a short quick-start guide on how to use the library and to simulate a first example. It is assumed that the user is already familiar with the simulation tool. If not, it is recommended to start with the simulation tool User's Guide. Users are advised to browse through this full User's Guide before starting serious modeling and simulation work.

The library package is a read-only package that contains the model library with components and templates. To modify and build new models, a user-writable working package has to be created, where users can work with examples and store new or modified models and components.

Examples and Key User's guide sections

If the primary interest is in high-level dynamic mission simulation and aircraft performance metrics, then it is recommended to start with the reduced fidelity capability. Read this section of the User's Guide and review the corresponding examples. Start creating your own analyses by modifying the experiment setup and/or parameterization, with or without the use of sizing methods and optimization.

If the primary need involves the detailed prediction of transient response and up to six degrees of freedom flight dynamics modeling, then it is recommended to start with the general modeling framework (as opposed to the reduced fidelity capability). Read this section of the User's Guide and consider building your models without the reliance on sizing, if possible. Review examples such as the tabular three degree of freedom model, a general flight dynamics simulation with autopilot (also available for investigation on a virtual test rig), or the detailed flight dynamics example of a landing segment with ground interaction. Start creating your own analyses by modifying the experiment setup and/or parameterization.


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