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Workspace concept🔗

Modelon Impact is based on a cloud-native Workspace concept, which allows you to collaborate and share content with other users, in your organisation or with your external clients. You can manage/configure your Workspaces in the Workspace Management app.

A Workspace is a virtual environment and the configuration of your Workspace is stored in the user environment.

A Workspace includes:

  • Projects (mandatory, at least one)
  • Generated Resources (where results, FMUs and other resources which are generated by Impact are stored)

A Workspace also contains:

  • Dependencies to Released Projects, and
  • Dependencies between Projects

Workspaces are independent of other Workspaces. Content can be shared via Projects. The same Project can be part of multiple Workspaces. Workspaces can be shared via hyperlink, under the condition that all contained Projects are under version control.

A detailed description of the Workspace concept can be found here.


Recommendation: Start a fresh Workspace with a minimal number of Projects for each task, so that you can create a shareable link or snapshot relevant for that task. Smaller Workspaces load faster, easier to work with, and help you focus on specific problems.