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Modelon Impact's Features🔗

Key features are listed here.

Efficient & capable simulation framework🔗

  • Simulate quickly and robustly, both in dynamic transient and steady-state using the simulation engine.
  • Increase your productivity and run multiple parallel simulations and optimization jobs using the multi-run framework.

Modern user interface🔗

  • An easy-to-use and intuitive interface
  • Easy to get started and be productive


  • Native to open standards with access to the model source code
  • Native integration to Python
  • Server API for custom user interfaces and 3rd party tool access to the simulation engine
  • Import of legacy C and FORTRAN code.
  • Use external code directly in a model through the Modelica external code API.
  • Export the model into any FMI-compliant tools, enabled by the usage of the open FMI standard as the simulation execution format. For more information, see Export FMU


  • Reach a large non-simulation audience by building and deploying customized simulation apps.

Data import and export🔗

  • Import and export results and data in various formats
  • Download results and plots using common formats such as .mat and .csv (Matlab and Excel). For step-by-step instructions, see Import & Export data

Multi-physical libraries🔗

  • Build and combine models employing libraries from various physical domains. For more information, see Create your first model
  • Get access to a wide range of state-of-the-art simulation libraries, that spreads across various industries and physical domains. For more information, see Modelica libraries


  • Interactive stickies and plots for displaying and viewing simulation results
  • Animated system view for an intuitive understanding of system behavior.
  • 3D visualization
  • Visualize and Import CAD-data

Model management🔗

  • Encrypt and protect your intellectual properties. Embed and hide confidential data in your model using a standardized encryption format. This allows you to distribute your models with sensitive data.