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Visualizing Results🔗

  1. Once a simulation has been executed, a Result is added to the list in SIMULATIONS heading/browser (via Result mode).

  2. For each Result, the results item (a file) can be renamed , deleted , or downloaded .The simulation and compilation logs can be viewed from the menu option.

  3. By default, the latest Result is selected when a simulation was executed.

  4. The variables from the selected Result are shown under the CALCULATED VARIABLES header. The variables are organized in a tree structure which follows the hierarchy. Like in the model browser, there is a text filter and a type filter to help you explore the results tree.

  5. Select All option is available to delete all the results at once. This option pops up when is selected for one of the Results.

  6. The name of the selected Result will appear above the model canvas, near the class path. This is useful when working with multiple simulation results.

  7. The name/title of a Result can be edited/customized to assign it to a specific context or simply to make it more understandable/familiar/convenient.

Execution Results can be visualized in the following ways:

  • Plots - standard way to visualize transient results
  • Stickies - display variables and parameters on the model canvas
  • Built in model animation - display built-in model animation on the model canvas

Filter Outputs | Plots | Stickies | Animation | Result Size | Sliders | UI | Download Result | View Result