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Modelon Impact REST API🔗

Modelon Impact offers a REST API that enables the development of specialized apps for custom workflows, such as task automation, specialized data visualization and connectors with other tools. The API supports adding and extracting artifacts, accessing meta-data, and performing asynchronous executions. These executions include model compilations, single and parallel simulations with built-in and custom analysis methods.

The REST API documentation is available here.

You can navigate to API documentation by adding api/docs/ in the URL.

You can navigate to API documentation by adding api/docs/ after Impact/ in the URL.

To make it easy to connect and interact with a Modelon Impact server, client libraries that wrap the Modelon Impact REST API framework are available to help with:

  1. Authenticating users against Modelon Impact
  2. Creating and automating custom workflows in your favorite programming language
  3. Defining and executing simulations on the Impact server
  4. Compiling models on the server and downloading them as FMUs
  5. Fetching results and doing post-processing

Available client libraries for Modelon Impact:

  • Python - Targets scripting and workflow automation.

  • JavaScript - Targets web-app development.

The Python library client is recommended for most use cases.


REST stands for Representational State Transfer. A REST API is an application programming interface that conforms to the constraints of REST architectural style and allows for interaction with RESTful web services.

Python Client🔗

The Modelon Impact Python client makes it easy to programmatically interact with Modelon Impact from python or a Jupyter notebook, and e.g. set up and run multiple experiments and do post-processing with help of the python ecosystem. Examples on how to work with the Modelon Impact python client is available in the documentation.

JavaScript Client🔗

The Modelon Impact JavaScript client can be used to interact with Modelon Impact with JavaScript, such as in a web app or with node.js. This client's functionality is currently more limited than that of the python client, and it is restricted to authentication against the Modelon Impact server, basic simulation workflows, setting up experiments, and executing them.