This example shows the use of the DriveCycle driver to perform a range estimation experiment using the WLTC3 cycle on the Coupe vehicle.
The target speed vs. time profile and the actual speed achieved can be examined by plotting driver.summary_vP and vehicle.chassis.summary_v_x respectively. The plot below shows these variables for 1800 sec (duration of one WLTC3 cycle) for this experiment.
Once the battery pack has reached the target state of charge (0.1) and the simulation has been terminated, the battery SoC (vehicle.powertrain.batteryPack.summary.SoC) and the distance travelled (vehicle.chassis.summary_r_0[1]) can be plotted as shown below.
Since the torque controller for the powertrain contains the RegenerativeBrake block, the motor torque (vehicle.powertrain.motor.summary.tau_rotor) can be plotted to confirm that braking torque is being applied as shown below.
Regenerative braking can be turned off by setting on=false in the RegenerativeBrake block in vehicle.powertrain.controller. The range drops from 207.09 km to 188.74 km as the motor is no longer being used to apply braking torque and charge the battery.
Select Commands | Visualize to set the animation view.
Select Commands | Plot to show plots with relevant variables.