Version 5.0 (2021-06-10)

Fuel System Library 5.0 is part of Modelon���s 2021.2 release.

New versions of Modelon libraries are sold and distributed directly from Modelon, as well as approved resellers.

New Features

  • A new complex geometry tank model supporting multi-level simulations is added. The flow through the tanks is modeled by an orifice approximating a rectangular weir as opening.
  • Devices to extract only liquid or gas from the multi-level tank are added.
  • Add ControlValveIncompressible
  • Added new Re-entrant intake and Orifice liquid friction models.
  • Added new geometric pipe models with the inbuilt calculation of loss coefficient.
  • Added an option in the SimpleTank, ConvectiveSimpleTank, ConvectiveComplexTank and MultiLevelTank to visualize the tank origin. This can be activated by the visualize_origin settings in the tanks.


  • Complete review of all experiment-annotations
  • Enhanced initialization of Lumping experiments
  • The default value of minRelLength in Settings_FSL has been updated to better handle the difference between the actual and geometric pipe lengths.
  • Improved handling of exporting and importing level table mat files in explicit external geometry kernel.
  • Add a summary record in ControlValveCompressible
  • Added a Boolean parameter visualize to the tank geometry kernels (ModelicaWithVisualization and ExplicitExternalWithVisualization) which supports 3D visualization. By default, it is set to true. Setting this to false will reduce result file size and simulation time considerably.
  • Aggregate CG computation across all tanks is updated to weighted average CG of tanks, ��(CG*M)/��M.
  • Added option paraOption_Xliq to MassFlowBoundary and PressureBoundary to impose liquid fraction via signal input (in addition to the existing option to enter this via a parameter).
  • Improved initialization of pressure in LumpedPipe. Correct values of p_start are taken now based on the dynamic volume.
  • Improved assert conditions in LumpedPipe to capture all false pressure loss settings.
  • Improved parameter dialog interface for LumpedPipe and StaticPipe for better readability.
  • Added documentation in LumpedPipe explaining connecting a pipe with a tank.
  • Improved the assert error indication in SimpleTank and ConvectiveSimpleTank when the ports are not positioned correctly in absolute or relative position (based on the useRelPortPosition settings)

Fixed Issues

  • Improved handling of aggregate CG visualization in AggregateFuelProperties. Aggregate CG visualization is now independent of the settings_FSL visualization parameter setting. This helps in fixing model failure when settings_FSL is not instantiated to the model.
  • In LumpedPipe, the flow in the summary record is now positive when leaving through port B. This fix implies changing the description string of the variable mflowB_tot and changing the sign of the variables mflowB_gas and mflowB_liq.
  • When using the ExplicitExternalWithVisualization geometry kernel on a ConvectiveComplexTank instance, the visualization of the tank shape was previously only correct if unitDistance=1 was chosen (otherwise, the tank shape was not visualized at the correct scale). The visualization is now correct for any value of unitDistance.

New classes

  • FuelSystem.Volumes.MultiLevelTank
  • FuelSystem.Volumes.Orifices.RectangularWeir
  • FuelSystem.Volumes.Orifices.RectangularWeirAndGasZeta
  • FuelSystem.Volumes.Orifices.FlapValve
  • FuelSystem.Volumes.Orifices.LiquidOnly
  • FuelSystem.Volumes.Orifices.GasOnly
  • FuelSystem.FlowResistances.ReentrantIntake
  • FuelSystem.FlowResistances.OrificeLiquid
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.FlushAtA
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.FlushAtB
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.FlushAtAB
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.ChamferedAtA
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.ChamferedAtB
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.ChamferedAtAB
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.ReentrantAtA
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.ReentrantAtB
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.ReentrantAtAB
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.OrificeAtA
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.OrificeAtB
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.OrificeAtAB

Renamed / Restructured classes

  • FuelSystem.Pipes.LumpedPipe ��� FuelSystem.Pipes.Generic.LumpedPipe
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.StaticPipe ��� FuelSystem.Pipes.Generic.StaticPipe
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.PipeResistances ��� FuelSystem.Pipes.Internal
  • FuelSystem.Pipes.StaticHead ��� FuelSystem.Pipes.Base